Thomas de Quincey
Thomas de Quincey

The Pleasures of Opium
(1821; revised edition 1856)

"I took it, and in an hour, Oh Heavans ! What a revulsion ! What an upheaving, from its lowest depths, of the inner spirit 1 What an apocalypse of the world within me. What had opened before me -- an abyss of divine enjoyment suddenly revealed. Here was a panacea for all human woes. Here was the secret of happiness, about which philosophers had disputed for so many ages, at once discovered".
Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859)
(Essay, 1849)

John Keats
Wilkie Collins
Opium People
Opium Images
George Crabbe
Opium Timeline
Hans Kosterlitz
Heinrich Dreser
Edgar Allan Poe
The Plant of Joy
Solomon Snyder
Just For Chemists
Charles Baudelaire
Thomas Sydenham
William S Burroughs
The Indian Opium Trade
Snapshots: Opium in History